Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Trip

            This weekend was quite eventful. It was my first time that I had traveled by myself. It’s not that I went on a huge voyage but I did take a bus down to South Bend. It was a lot more stressful than just buying a ticket on a bus. I had to manage the transportation back and forth from the bus station via taxi. I was so very afraid that I would either get stuck here if my taxi didn’t get me there in time for the bus or get stuck in South Bend if I didn’t make it in time for the bus home. My fears came possible when the taxi was 15 mins late picking me up from the Valley. But luckily I made it within 5 min of the bus departing. I had a stressful start to the trip but was excited that I had managed to get myself around even though it was a place that was only and hour and a half away. Still it was an achievement in itself and I was happy. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


So today in English we went over the paper we had just done. It was the one where they took a line from the poem that we wrote about where we were from and make it into a full page story. I found it pretty difficult to convert a one liner into a full paged story with dialogue but surprisingly I had fun thinking about one specific memory and realizing there were so many sounds, smells and images that I could remember with one short memory from my childhood.

The other thing we discussed was the reading we had for homework in the Mercury book which I had no interest it. I didn’t relate to the characters and I found myself skimming through the book just to get it done. I didn’t take in the story and I found it pretty boring. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Notre Dame vs. Michigan State

This weekend I attended my very first football game. I was pretty skeptical about going because I’ve never been before and I also don’t like watching football on the T.V.; so when my boyfriend bought me a ticket I wasn’t too trilled. In my mind I can’t stand the fact that when watching it on T.V. you watch maybe 10 minuates of the game for every 15 minuates of timeouts and commercials and standing for all that time sounded positively boring but I accepted the invitation anyways.
            When we first arrived at Michigan State we met up with my boyfriend, Jacob’s family at his fathers companies tent. It started off pretty awkward because I was forced into wearing one of Jacob’s Notre Dame shirts to support his school and the company’s tent was filled with all State fans so the trash talk started pretty intensely for my liking. But, I was very surprised that I enjoyed the game very much.
            At the game Jacob and I were in the Notre Dame student section and it was so much fun to see all the fans celebrating and cheering on their team. I’m not sure if it was the excitement of my first game or that I was with my boyfriend but every moment was filled with excitement and anxiousness. The best part was seeing how proud the Notre Dame fans were to be the first to score against the States defensive lineup. It was an even bigger deal to watch Notre Dame win the game and see how proud Jacob was. It was a good game; maybe I like football after all.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

English Class

During my English class we researched different blogs that intrigued us.
When we looked at our different blogs. I chose to do one about cooking because I love to eat. The six main questions we discussed in class where:

1.     Who is the audience
2.     What is the purpose?
3.     Design – How did the blog look?
4.     Tone – What was the mood of the blog?
5.     Voice – What does the blog sound like?
6.     Context – Was the blog: personal, public, corporate, opinion, or journal.

We all compared our researched blog sites and came up with answers for all of these six questions and then discussed them in class.

Since my blog was about food here were my answers:
1.     The audience was food lovers and cooking enthusiasts.
2.     The purpose was to gather recipes and to discuss the taste.
3.     The blog design was neat and well managed.
4.     The blogs voice was friendly and enthusiastic.
5.     The blogs voice was professional.
6.     The context of the blog was setup like a journal entry.

Overall I liked the cooking blog I researched and it gave me cool ideas of how to do a blog of my own! 

Monday, September 10, 2012


Hello Reader,
Welcome to my fabulous blog! This is my first blog and I'm not exactly sure what I'm suppose to say or 'post' but I'm going to try my best to be somewhat entertaining. My name is Diana, I'm 18 years old and I'm just starting my freshmen year at Western Michigan University. I'm super excited to start college and to begin anew! I'm from the east side of Michigan and I have lived there my whole life. I'm so happy to be here at Kalamazoo, at Western Michigan University and I'm looking forward to the years ahead. I hope you enjoy my blog!